Monday, September 6, 2010

Down Home and Country (Some more random thoughts)

degage \dey-gah-ZHEY\, adjective:
1. Unconstrained; easy, as in manner or style.
2. Without emotional involvement; detached.

I suppose I have been a bit of this from my Southern roots, as in until a little over 48 hours ago, I never owned a pair of cowboy boots. Well a big thanks to my brother and future sis in law, I am not a proud owner of the most beautiful boots ever!

I was super eager to wear them to another very Southern/Knoxville tradition, Boomsday. Why do I go? Who ever really knows why they subject themselves to that craziness, but I assume every few years you get this grand idea of, "Let's go see pretty fireworks!" And then you arrive at the "Pretty Fireworks" attraction and realize that 200,000 other people wanted to see them too! FYL! So merge 200,000 people and some unbroken in boots and you have my feet currently. (Since I know you really want to read about that) So I have vowed another time to never go back to Boomsday (guess we will see in five years). 

Observations (and Annoyances) from Boomsday:
1. A shit ton of people.
2. Even more people
3. They ran out of funnel cakes!
4. Some random girl by herself (what was she thinking?)
5. Walking up and down a hill 4 times
6. finding the perfect place to stand and then 15 minutes before fireworks being kicked off the bridge
7. Why do people take strollers? (This seriously makes no sense)
8. Honking games in a parking garage are NOT fun
9. Sitting in a car for 30 minutes and not moving sucks
10. IHop is a must afterwards!

Other random thoughts from my Labor Day weekend

I have major senioritist (Spelling? If thats even a word) and it is becoming harder and harder to motivate myself. I almost wish I could just have a job and be a grown up. Wouldn't that be fun...

It was the first official game day at the University of Tennessee this past Saturday. I am not sure how that went down, except that we won. (Guess I am not the model UT student)

There was a mourning of my iPod, Glenda (yes my iPod's name is Glenda), when I filled it up with music on Saturday and I could not add my new songs. What will I do now? (I suppose spend some money at the Apple store)

Vampire Diaries starts this week on September 9th (Crap thats my moms b-day, guess I need to get something), and I am super excited for my fall shows to start back up. As a result of the first mentioned random thought, I am sure I will take a larger interest in these fall TV shows than I should. 

I also need to wash my car, or maybe if it would just rain. (I am not sure why I just said this online, but I did).

Is it December yet?

So since i have put you through yet another random thought process/breakdown of my weekend I suppose I should leave you with some insightful words. 

“Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something”


Laura Monday said...

I love your observations from Boomsday! I concur!

Anonymous said...

i dont like boots much....

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