Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Tennessee Sunset

I can't vouch for many other cities or states, but it would seem to me (with my 23 years of experience) that some of the best sunsets happen in Tennessee. 

I don't think I am one of the only people, but for me, seeing a beautiful sunset is a time for reflecting. I know that I have blogged about sunsets and sunrises before, and I have referred to them as the, "bookends to life." I still hold true to this belief, and I am more convinced of it every time that I witness another beautiful sunset. 

Today, as I was leaving Wal-Mart, where karma had bit me in the ass for some unknown reason, I was surprised to see a breath taking sunset. Looking up and seeing an orange filled sky is something that truly tugs at my heart strings. Call me a sap all you want, but you know it happens to you to. 

So, there I was, driving west down Kingston Pike at 6 PM staring into one of the most amazing sites ever. I found myself turning the music up and clearing my mind. I found myself reflecting on my day and how blessed I am. I found myself falling in love with Tennessee all over again. I found myself being grateful for every little thing. 

We get amazing sunsets just about every day it seems in Knoxville. So I challenge you to do these three things the next time you find yourself staring into a beautiful orange sky:

1. Turn the music up
2. Evaluate your life as it is in that moment, good or bad
3. Remember that you are important to someone

Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on 
sunsets and makes night air smell better.
Henry Rollins

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