Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Carpe Diem

I'm not sure about you, but my greatest fear in life is that I am wasting my life.

I fear that I am going to look back on my time when I am 80 years old and regret not doing something. I am worried that I am going to waste my life. 

We were all put here for a purpose, and I am worried that I am not going to fulfill mine.

I wake up everyday and go to work, but I'm constantly wondering if I am working towards my overall goal. 

Life is about our experiences and the people that form them. I am constantly consumed with making sure I meet every possible person. What if the next stranger I meet is the one to change everything. Maybe I take this to an extreme, but I am a firm believer in the Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil quote that reminds us, "Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.” 

So, with all of this said, I believe in seizing the moment. Stay out 30 minutes too late. Say hello to that person that gave you a terrible look. You never know what they are going to contribute to your life. You never know what you are going to experience or learn in that time. Maybe I wouldn't be so concerned about wasting my life if I just took every moment and every person for what they were.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Forever Changed

**This isn’t a blog about lovers or friends, instead it is about all of the people who come and go. The only constant in your life is yourself.

How is it that we can meet someone for a moment, a day, a week, or maybe even a month, nothing really changes, but everything is different. How is it that someone you never knew before can make you feel something you didn’t know was possible. As people come and go in our lives we learn how to accept them and let them go in the same breath.

So, what is the point to these crazy lives we live?

Some would argue that it is to create, to discover, to teach or a number of other things. I argue that the point is to live. The point is to learn to accept things as they come, and let them go when it is time.

My theory is that we should all just live and learn. We should live every day and we should learn something new from it. I believe the point of life is to practice this so that one day, maybe, it is easier. Maybe one day it is easier to meet a total stranger who sparks something inside of you and let them go without having it weigh so heavily on your heart. I believe that in this life we are here to learn to not cause so much pain on ourselves, instead we should just enjoy it for what it is and be able to take the memory with us to reflect on.

I’m sure you may not agree with my ideas about our lives purposes, but at some point in your life I am sure you carried a person’s memory with you a little too long. Maybe if you have you can understand that we are only hurting ourselves when we let them live too long in part of heart that they changed.

Whether friends or lovers, we meet so many of them that by the time we are old and gray we should be able to reflect with a smile instead of a heavy heart.

"And even if we never talk again, please remember that I
am forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

“There will always be people in your life, Sweet Angel, who hold you back, who cost you too much, and who fail to see all you’ve done for them. But, of course, they’re just there to teach you that you do have time, that you’ll always be rich, and that your own high standards are all that matter. Sounds like a good deal to me, Sweet Angel.” 

- You knew that, The Universe

Read my post about the Red String Theory here.