Friday, October 22, 2010

Undefinable Magnificence

Recently I have taken an interest in all things sky, sun, moon and space. (weird, I know) As I mentioned a few blogs ago, there is a meteor shower tonight/morning. Turns out this meteor shower has been happening lightly since the beginning of October, (not sure how I missed this) but since I have become some sort of astro-something-or-another, I have be occupied with the pretty sweet full moon. 

I am a fan of seeing the moon in the middle of the day, well not technically the middle of the day, more like the end, but whatever, I like seeing it when it is not completely dark outside. There is something really interesting and mesmerizing about seeing something like that. Yes, on my way home from work tonight, I attempted to "snap a picture with my camera phone" (loser, I know). All that is beside the point, what is the point, is that it's cool and you should stop from your crazy hectic life you are living, and see it for once. 

I find myself star-gazing, moon-gazing and whatever else kind of sky-gazing you can do. This especially counts for sunsets and sunrises, like I said earlier they are the "bookends to life" and you should take time to check them out. 

Refer to previous blog lyrics from Barefoot Truth's amazing song "I'ma Roll If I Fall"

"Cause it's a simple inspiration
It always gets me high
It's a familiar disposition
I can see it in your eyes
It's the beauty of a new sunrise
You can never see one the same

And when we add the score at the end of this life,
Wanna say I won the game"

So, I guess you have gathered I am a sucker for all things massively out of my control, things that can't be defined, and things that can't be recreated. I stop and gawk and great sunrises and sunsets. I stop and gaze at full moons (and no I am not a werewolf, if I am not into Twilight that much), I wish upon shooting stars, when I actually see them, and I "snap random pictures with my camera phone" of the sky ALL the time.

If you don't believe me, the next time you might actually be up for a sunrise, or outside for a sunset, or at the beach or the mountains, look up. That is all you have to do to see and experience something breathtaking. (Take my word)

If not, look at these pics....

I actually saw a "blood" red moon at the beach last Christmas....I googled the supposed meaning (cause that is what nerds like me do) it gave me a whole bunch folklore stuff, but turns out I saw a partial lunar eclipse and didn't even know it! If only I had known then.

Sorry to interrupt the pictures with my story, 
I will continue showing you pictures I didn't take now....

The great Ansel Adams, Moon and Half Dome

The Northern Lights (This IS on my bucket list....
Breathtaking in pictures, I can not even imagine in real life)

"Magnificent desolation."
        - Buzz Aldrin's description of the Moon 
(and perhaps outer space)

Lost in the milky way,

Smile at the empty sky
And wait for the moment
When a million chances may all collide.
- The Lightning Seeds, "The Life of Reilly"

"No known roof is as beautiful as the skies above."
        - Michael O'Muircheartaigh

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